Tuesday, August 17, 2010

21 Things to do Before 21

So after a long summer break, I figured it was time to get back into the habit of posting again. I decided I would start this school year off with a list I’ve had for a long time now, but haven’t finished. It’s a list of twenty one things I want to do before my twenty first birthday! I’ve accomplished a lot of them, but still have a lot to go, and only a year to do them…yikes!

1. Get a psychic reading
2. Go skydiving
3. Milk a cow
4. Go to a drive-in theater
5. Leave the country
6. Learn to play an instrument
7. Get ears pierced
8. Go to a concert
9. Take a road trip
10. Learn to drive stick shift
11. Win an award
12. Move out on my own
13. Go skinny dipping
14. Save $1,000
15. Buy a lottery ticket
16. Volunteer
17. Go to a college game
18. Go white water rafting
19. Shoot a gun
20. Ride a motorcycle
21. Be in two places at once

Here's hoping I can do them all! Wish me luck!